Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Where do I begin... Part 1

I've been toying around with the idea of starting a blog about my jaw surgery for a while (it seems to be a popular thing among us so *lucky* to go through this).  I've never been one to really write much and I wasn't really sure if my surgery would be approved so I just didn't do it.  Well, today all of that changed... 

But first, I feel like I need to back this bus up.  My story starts in 1989 -- so I guess we are backing this bus waaaaaaaaaay up.  I start here because I was 8 years old when I was *blessed* with my first set of braces.  I don't remember much from back then...it was a long time ago (yes, I am old-ish as compared to some of you young folk traipsing around out there).  But I do remember a few other people I knew had braces or some form.  My older sister had one of those palate expanders.  I thought she was pretty cool (still do) and anything to be like her was A-ok in my book.  So, much to almost everyone's surprise I was pretty excited to get braces.  I don't remember what my teeth looked like before those braces nor do I really remember what they looked like after, but obviously something wasn't quite right.  

Let's drive this bus to 2001.  By this time I was 20 and finally reached a point where I wasn't growing any more (thank goodness...being 6ft tall is hard on a girl, but only when I go shopping for pants).  My bite was horrendous so my parents and dentist (shout out to Dr. Robert Sink, DDS) decided it was time for me to try this braces thing out again.   I was in college at North Carolina State University (go WOLFPACK!) and not terribly excited about getting braces for a 2nd time....alas.

After having this set of braces on for about a year, year and a half, my orthodontist (Dr. Henry Zaytoun, Jr.) thought I should see an oral surgeon because I have an under bite that braces would never correct.  My consultation with the oral surgeon was pretty grim:  Break both jaws, be wired shut for 6+ weeks, lose feeling in my face, and on top of all that insurance would consider this cosmetic and not cover a dime.

My Mom decided that this was not a process she wanted to go through, so I finished up my orthodontic treatment and kept my bulldog smile for the next 11 years.  This brings us to present day...but I've had enough writing and I am sure you've had enough reading (if you've made it this far...not sure I would have).  The EPIC saga will continue tomorrow...

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