Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Musical Stylings of Lord Huron

This post has absolutely nothing to do with braces, braking jaws, or any of that jazz.  I just want to write a snippet about music.

I love, love, love music.  If there were no music in the world, I literally think I would die.  It is such a personal thing and what everyone prefers is different in one way or another.  I don't think you'll ever find someone that likes everything you like and dislikes everything you dislike.  And what fun would that be anyway?

I have a new favorite artist it seems like every month.  This month it is Lord Huron.  They are pretty fantastic and I feel like I am a little obsessed.  My favorite jam is She Lit a Fire...and Stranger.  Take a listen:

She Lit a Fire:

There is also a video for She Lit a Fire on YouTube that I couldn't find when I searched to upload this one.  It is a Rollo Grady Session where they sang this song.  Awe-Some. 

This is Stranger:

This song has one of the best lyrics ever:  "Of all the strangers, you're the strangest that I've seen."  Love it.

I need to find some good workout music...Lord Huron is not exactly threadmill running material although I am sure I could make it work.  In the past week or so, I found two songs I have added to my Workout Playlist:

ALT-J Breezeblocks
Kinda a bizarre video, if you ask me, but sure...I like the beat and can run to it.

And finally...the second song added to my workout playlist: 
AWOLNATION - Megalithic Symphony - Sail

And there you have it folks.  These are my musical obsessions...for now. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Surgical Wires...and other fun stuff

I had an orthodontist appointment yesterday (shout out to Dr. Henry!).  He took a look at my teeth and the alignment and said I am pretty much ready to go.  That being the case, they changed out my wires to surgical wires.  Surgical wires are basically just heavy duty, strong wires that will keep my teeth together when Dr. Turvey starts moving bones.  (Sounds awesome, no?)

With the surgical wires, I am ready and could have the surgery at any time now, but my day isn't until August 28th.  Dr. Henry suggested I get on Dr. Turvey's "call" list in case someone cancels.  While I am tempted to do that, I don't think I would be prepared for say a days notice that I would be having my jaw broken.  Even though August 28th is quite far away, I like having a set date -- it is really helping me prepare and get ready.  Right now, my biggest concern is work.  I know they'll live without me, but there are a fair amount of things I am responsible for that someone will have to take over for me while I am out. 

Anyway...while I was at Dr. Henry's I snapped a few photos of the photos they took of me pre-braces:

This is my collage!  The side profile shot is really telling, I think.  You can see how my bottom jaw is a little longer.  Below is a bigger version of the middle pictures of my teeth.  When I was with the technician, she actually said if you flip the pic upside down, it would look normal (when flipped upside down, this is how my bite should look if my bottom teeth were actually my top teeth, yada, yada, yada.)

Ok...below is the rotated version:

Bizarre, right?  I guess this could be, sort of like looking at the future of my teeth?

And finally -- an X-ray shot.  This is one that was taken in February I think:

Well, that's all I have for now.  Time to sit and wait for the big day!  I'm going to throw some fun stuff in here between now and then, but probably not a lot of posts about braces and surgery.  Disappointing, I know.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today is my 32nd birthday!!! 

For my birthday, I ran the Color Mania 5k with a couple of friends:
Then after the color run, I showered.  For a long time.  Then I went up to Durham to the Rock and Shop event.  It was pretty awesome and I got a lot of cool things made my local artists (2 necklaces, a ring, an iPad cover, a pic of an old Beetle Convertible, a couple of cool buttons, and a few cool pics).


Friday, April 5, 2013

Peace Corps

Ok, so I know just like with my BBBS post, this one also isn't totally related to having my jaws broken.  But...I can and will link it all together.

Ahhhhhhhhh, the Peace Corps.  It is, and for a long time has been, a dream of mine to join the Peace Corps.  If I ask myself why I haven't done it, I have two answers:

(1)  No electricity, no running water, disease, civil strife (in some parts), no family, no friends, no comforts of a first world country.  (Ok, so this was several answers all wrapped up into 1 big one...but I still consider it one!)

(2)  I've done pretty well for myself over the years.  I have a well paying job, a car, a house, and the ability to get pretty much anything I want when I want it.  Who in their right mind would give that up?

Along with thinking that myself, I have tons of other people reminding me of those things in addition to how horrible it would be and how they think I wouldn't be able to hang.  And over the past ten or so years, I've listened. 

But, just like with this whole jaw surgery thing, the thought of joining the Peace Corps has never once left my mind.  It is there.  All.  The.  Time.  I think about it a lot and if there was a program that could count the number of times I've visited their website, I think it would show a gajillion times.  

I think there are actually days that I don't think about the PC, but the days I do think about way out number the number of days I don't.  And so, I ask myself again -- why don't you just DO IT?  And my answer is FEAR, which is 100% unacceptable.  I do not want my life to be guided by fear.  Fear is just the enemy trying to get in our way of doing something amazing or what we were meant to do on this Earth.

Well, about a month ago I took a pretty big step; I started filling out my Peace Corps application.  I have it about 80% complete.  I just need to write my essays and boy oh boy do I hate writing essays.  Like I said before, I am not really a "writer".  Anyway...that is not the point of this story.  The point of this story is, during one of the bazillion times I visited their website I saw they were doing an on-line recruitment presentation and then a Q&A session

I signed up and then on the day of the session, I could not see or hear the presentation through my computer (I run linux...so there were probably some techy problems I would have no idea how to resolve).   While I was upset that I couldn't be apart of the session, I think it could have been a blessing in disguise.   This snafu forced me to reach out to the recruiter directly.  Not only was I able to speak with her about all of my questions on the application and what experience I would need, but she also pointed me in the direction of the Peace Corp Medical Office (PCMO).

I needed to speak to the PCMO because I heard there was a two year (TWO YEARS!?!?!?) waiting period after surgery before you are allowed to join.  When I heard that I just could not fathom waiting that long.  NO.  NO WAY.  It made me want to rip the braces off my teeth right then and there and forget this jaw surgery all together.  I couldn't wait two years.  But, in talking to a nurse in the PCMO, I learned that the two year waiting period was not true (whew!) and all I needed to do was complete my treatment (which includes orthodonticts, etc.) and not have a need for in-depth follow up. 

With that being the case and my surgery scheduled for August 28, I have a year and a half to get all my stuff together (like selling my house and finishing those darn essays), and then I'll be off.  I'll be off to a third world country to help those that need it most.   I don't know what I'll be doing yet, but I know that I will be a part of something larger than myself to help humanity....and that is all I really, truly want to do in this life.

"If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better." - J.K. Rowling

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dr. Timothy A. Turvey

So, today I am going to get this bus back on track!

After I met with Dr. Zaytoun (again) for a consultation, I decided that this (braces and surgery) is what I wanted.  I wanted a nice, pretty smile.  Once that decision was made, it was time for all those awesome teeth molds, models, and pictures (next time I make it to Dr. Z's office, I will see if I can get pictures of that stuff).  These models and pictures were not just for the braces portion of this treatment; they were also being sent to the surgeon's office.

And into this story walks Dr. Timothy A. Turvey, surgeon to the stars!
(Ok...he may not be a Surgeon to YOUR definition of "the stars", but he is my surgeon and that's all it takes to meet that definition for me!)

Dr. Turvey comes highly recommended...from my dentist and my orthodontist.  Apparently, he does like 90% of all cases in North Carolina.   And if you read his business card, it's pretty impressive:

Dr. Timothy A. Turvey
Professor & Chair
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Director of Craniofacial Surgery
Practice Limited to Surgery of the FACE, JAWS and CRANIOFACIAL REGION
At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

I would say according to all that written above, Dr. Turvey is a ROCK STAR.  And while he isn't much to talk to (the really, really, really smart people never are for those of us not quite on that level), he is the only person I really feel comfortable sawing my top jaw into pieces and putting it back together again.  So...he really is the "Jaw Breaker, Bone Taker, Smile Maker" of this production (and yes, I did just link to my own blog.  Don't judge).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Date is SET

I haven't quite gotten this far in catching everyone up on how I got to where I am today with this whole braces and jaw surgery thing, but.......

The DATE IS SET!  Over the past week or so, insurance approved my surgery (still a little shocked that they approved it on the first ask!...more on that later).  Then yesterday, I talked to my surgeon's office.  They originally wanted to do my surgery in May, but since it's April already, May was BOOKED.  They only do students (kids in high school and college) during June and July, which is better for them because they are out for summer break.  So, the earliest appointment I could get is August 28th.

I can't believe how far away it is -- 5 months.  While I am not the happiest about it, there is really nothing I can do.  So, I'll wait, enjoy my summer (hopefully get a beach trip in there), eat wonderful crunchy, chewy food and...wait.

But it's real.  And it's actually happening.  And I can't believe it.  My teeth will be semi-perfect, jaw popping and headaches will hopefully stop, and I will be able to bite into things like a normal person.  I am scared and excited all at the same time.

Because this post is short and kind of randomly placed, here is a fun factoid for today:

Overbites are extremely common.  Underbites...not so much.  Only 5-10% of the WORLD's population are affected by an underbite and most of those are of Asian decent. 

Since I am not Asian, does this make me a part of 1% of the World's population with an underbite?

Check more out here:  http://www.dentalhealthmed.com/conditions/underbite.html